The Health Renovation


Renovation = to restore to a better state by cleansing, repairing, or rebuilding

What is a Health Renovation?

Just like upgrading and renovating a kitchen or bathroom in your home - a health renovation upgrades the way your cells and body work so you can look and feel your best!

Undergoing a health renovation prioritizes the way your cells work.  By enhancing the way each cell works, the body is able to work better and heal.  By doing so we enhance physical, emotional and mental health to achieve a higher quality of life.  

Obtain true health.

The process cleanses and enhances your gut, kidneys, liver, tissues, and organs.  We enhance detoxification and drainage so your body can do the healing and get you healthier, stronger, full of energy & vitality. 

Imagine a barrel full of water, 🛢️ but the barrel also has a bunch of sludge at the bottom.  You can imagine that this sludge is making the water quite murky.  This is the same as your body - disease gets diagnosed when a doctor sees the murky water & gives you a name for the type of murky water you have.  Then you get a prescription to try to make you feel better, but you still have all the murky water.  And it keeps getting more murky - so you might get another diagnosis….then more pills or injections.

You see, with any chronic disease, the water keeps getting more and more murky because you haven’t cleared out the sludge at the bottom of your barrel.  Our process gets down to the bottom of the barrel and knocks out all the crud sitting there - when you clear the sludge, the water gets clear! 💦  It’s amazing how well your body works once this is gone!

A health renovation takes the individual person, removes all the interferences, chemicals, infections, and toxins that are causing distress for the body.

Health optimization is the future!

Are you ready to step into your brighter future or stay in the same old traditional healthcare model, which is designed to keep you sick?

Who is this for?

Health Renovations is for everyone.  Anyone who is looking to…

  • Resolve their health concerns
  • Figure out the cause of your autoimmune disease
  • Clear parasites from your body
  • Improve your performance
  • Increase your energy
  • Have your body work for you, not against you
  • Set yourself up to prevent future diseases and cancers

 Health starts to deteriorate when it can not handle the burdens like it used to -

  • your energy decreases
  • your hormones go out of whack
  • your body doesn’t move or recover like it used to
  • your symptoms stack
  • you start to have aches and pains
  • you’ve been diagnosed with a disease
  • You feel achy, swollen, inflamed

 Your body has many mechanisms to compensate for the small destructions that occur (infections, toxins, deficiencies).  But when it becomes overburdened and can’t handle the load it’s given anymore, things start to break down.  

At first the small breaks go unnoticed, until things get worse.  Then you develop symptoms, then a disease.

You go to your healthcare clinic, they run tests and tell you your results are all normal or give you your diagnosis.  After this comes a prescription to make you feel better, but is it actually making you healthy?

The answer is NO!

The most commonly prescribed medications aren’t actually making you healthier.  They are doing NOTHING to correct the reason you developed your symptoms.  And because these medications are not the solution, you end up getting worse or you get more symptoms and other diseases. 

Some prescribed medication actually makes things worse for your body and there are long lists of side effects.


Let’s do a health renovation…

on YOU!

Marta has had extensive training to help individuals reach their optimal health.  She is a Biomedical Engineer, Physician Assistant, Certified Functional Medicine Practitioner - but best of all she’s going to be your personal health engineer.

There’s no time like NOW to get your body working the best way it can.  

Can you even imagine what it would be like to go a day without being tired all day, no itchiness, no scales on your skin, no bloating, having a regular good bowel movement?  Can you imagine how your days, your life, your views would change if you weren’t so worried about if your lesion was going to drain, if people would look at you differently, if there was a bathroom nearby.

*Don’t miss out on important life events, weddings, births, birthdays, graduations, because you’re too tired, achy, swollen.  

*Be present in all your conversations, have more patience and mental clarity.

*Have the energy to play with your kids, go out with your friends, and enjoy the activities and hobbies you once did.

*Be more productive at work and home so you have more time to do your hobbies


Are you ready to renovate?!

I’m ready for a Renovation!